Alex Jacovides has a Bachelor and a Master of Science Degree (BSc and MSc) in Chemical Engineering with distinction from Imperial College, London.
With experience and knowledge in management (having served as Production Manager and General Manager in a multinational corporation), he is a Member of the Board of the MSJ Group in Cyprus and Greece.
He is a founding member of the affiliated biopharmaceuticals company Genesis Pharma S.A. where he serves as a President of the Board and is responsible for its Strategic Development.

Aris Jacovides has a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Chemistry from City University London, and holds an MBA from INSEAD Business School in Fontainebleau, France.
After fulfilling his mandatory duties as an officer in the Cyprus National Guard and completing his studies abroad, he joined the family business in Cyprus where he was responsible for the company’s entry into the medical devices field.
Following the success of the operation, he moved to Athens to implement the vision of expanding MSJ Group’s business into Greece, with the creation of M.S. Jacovides Hellas, in 1982. In 1997, Aris co-founded Genesis Pharma S.A., the affiliated specialty biopharmaceuticals company, where he serves as Vice Chairman of the BoD.
He also sits on the Boards of MSJ Group Companies in Greece and Cyprus.


Savvas Jacovides has a Bachelor (BSc) in Economics from CNAA, London and holds a Master (MA) in Management Studies from PLC (Westminster) University of London. He serves as the President of the Board of Lifepharma (Z.A.M.) Ltd, and is a member of the Board of the MSJ Group in Cyprus and Greece.
Savvas holds a license for importing and distributing pharmaceuticals from the Cyprus Ministry of Health since 1977.
He has also served on the Board of APOEL FC, Cyprus’ largest athletics association, with participation in the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League.

Soterios (Sotos) Jacovides has graduated from the Business School of the University of West London.
He is the President and CEO of the MSJ Group in Cyprus. He also serves as the President & Managing Director of M.S. Jacovides & Co. Ltd, Vetagrica Ltd and Agrolan Ltd.
Sotos was one of the founders and the first President of the Cyprus-American Business Association (CyABA).
He has also served as President of the Cyprus Association of Pharmaceutical Companies (CAPC) for several years and today remains a Board member.